Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL)

Hello. So maybe some of you are wondering how my short stories are doing. Well, like I have expected, they don't draw much attention to themselves. Murder on Laodicea Street and The Awake are Dead are my only two stories that I have self-published on Amazon's Kindle Library.

Roughly, I average selling 1.5 stories a day (that is like 50 cents a day!). Some days I get no sales, and I rank in the 200,000s on the best-seller lists. Other days I'll get three sales and rank #40,000.

But, the main reason I am writing this post is because I have some pretty cool news. Well... at least I think it is cool. Yesterday (2-29-2012), I got my first "borrow." A borrow is when a Amazon Prime Member picks up your book for free. They don't have to pay the 99-cent book price; I don't get the 35-cent royalty.

But wait, there's more!

This is really cool for me because per every "borrow" I make roughly $1.50. Pretty neat, huh? That's one-dollar-and-fifty-cents that I get to keep all of.

So yes, ideally I'd prefer if I got 1.5 borrows a day. But either way, it is a lot fun having people read your work, your writing.

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